Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Migrant Caravan

The homicide rate in Honduras is twice as high as anywhere else, with their government being controlled by gang violence. With such a high crime rate, there are people that are seeking asylum; protection granted from the nation to someone who left their native country for political refugee for shelter and protection from danger in their home country. As a nation that has that ability to help these people, the government decided to keep them out. By using having troops setting up camps to control the border and even to try to close the border so that even legally no one can pass through. Leaving people more discouraged, because they are trying to leave a life that can lead to the end of their and their kids. The government pushes them away and pushes them out, traumatizing the people with tear gas and other threats. People will have their own opinion about the situation with whats going on. Yet, as a citizen of this country how can we not sympathize that there are worse situations that happen in other areas in the world, and we choose to ignore it. Acting like this isn’t our problem when we are part of the problem on how we treat people even if they aren’t from the same place we were born. The border control is becoming so strict and seems to be causing more chaos.

1 comment:

  1. A great comment was made about the migrant caravan and how the US government is handling the issue. I understand the empathy of Savannah about those people. It’s true that Honduras’s government has failed his people. Nobody wants to stay in poverty and gang ruled country. What I want to understand that is that if these people are so determined to make change to their living conditions, why not start to make change to the corrupted officials and remove them. Any where people united to make change and take bold actions against their government were able to make change. There is no country that will accept such type of migration. Also, the migrants are waving the Honduras’s flag all the long, the country you are fleeing from. If they are proud of the flag why not find a way to fix the problem? I still haven’t seen any of them waving an American flag, the country you are proud to be in. I may be wrong, but this caravan is creating lot of confusion.
