Friday, December 14, 2018

Commentary On "Are Women Just Crazy Liars?"

In Kelsey's blog, she expresses about how people should educate themselves on the #metoo movement. I do agree on the topic, as a woman I do feel that we are still stuck behind men. Even with rape cases, there are still men being led off with no time in jail, and just a slap on the hand. More often the men that are usually white are the ones that face little chances of facing any charges and point the fingers to the victim because he is "supposedly" supposed to be a good person. Yet, people of color without hesitation serve high sentences. People do need to educate themselves with these problems that we are facing in modern times at high rates like its "normal", and it's an amazing thing to have a lot more women speak out and have a voice. Women speak out to make a change, not to just say "me too" because everyone else did. The sexualization of women is what they are trying to change.

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