Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Is Americas Voting Being Hacked?

On October 19, 2018, New York Times published this editorial article. The editorial board takes on the vulnerabilities of the system on voting systems and voter hacking. I had read their views and I do agree, that voting early can help detect any irregularities. There are always going to be someone that is going to try and beat any system that tries to advance the security to be unreachable. The paper trail for every vote would be helpful because there would be actual evidence of the vote. Unlike going into a system and not even knowing if it has been tampered with. So, I do agree that it is a key to fixing the problem. Funding and looking into cybersecurity is a key solution as well. The only thing is that finding the solution with technology and security can be challenging still. Even as time is out in, the more people improve our technology the more someone else can improve their knowledge of technology. As for example in the article, “at a hacking convention, an 11-year-old boy broke into a replica of Florida’s states election website and altered the votes totals records there. It had taken him less than ten minutes l. In my opinion, the voting systems seem beneficial for a faster counting process, but going back to paper ballots or even voting early can achieve a lot more. Then causing trouble like these machines. To put an end to any ability for votes to be tampered with so we can know that our votes are being accounted for properly.

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