Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Commentary On "Not Enough Voters"

In The Red, White, and Blue blog, Not Enough Voters. Voter Registration was said should have easier availability to register, I agree on how many people especially younger people see it as a burden. This year, I have seen a lot of young people register to vote. I have seen that college has implemented a lot of resources around each campus. I do think that there could be an even easier way or even a way to inform people about the steps of registering. As of now, you could go online to fill out the form but it will still have to be mailed to a certain office. The convince to what you said, that it would be a good idea to apply with issued ID's. I feel like that is a good source to implement the right to register to vote. especially when people have to renew any forms of ID at any time. Also, the people that aren't put in the system for issued ID's, should be able to apply online with their social security number to show that they are proven, citizens. Your Idea could be a great reason to make it vastly easier to approach, then to stray away from registering.

Friday, November 9, 2018


Since Donald Trump was elected president, there has been more racial incidents being reported in the media. You begin to see more and more oppression in minority's, Black and Hispanic especially. There have been a countless amount of open racism toward people of color, because of the people that follow trumps ideals. Other than Donald Trump being an almost scapegoat for racist white supremacist here in the United States, the way he conducts himself as well as a reason that I'm not favorable of him. He is rude, vulgar with the words and the context he chooses to share on social media and interviews. As a president, he doesn't seem to filter what he shares on social media. For example like Twitter, for being a president you would think that you'd at least post professional messages. Rather than he shares his egotistic comments. He also does not respect women and since he has been in office, women have been being open on sexual assault and how it is to walk around as a woman in modern day because of the norms he put out on how he treats women. Trump is also against the homosexual community, for example, his idea of banning transgender people from serving in the military. It seems like his whole campaign was based on lies and the greed for money, just like most Republicans. He should focus more on civil rights, rather than his finances. Trumps seems to have better luck as a businessman than a president.